Creative Rejections

Learn about the most common reasons for creative rejections in CTV and streaming audio. Address these issues to prevent rejections and ensure optimal delivery.

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1. Low Video Bitrate

The bitrate of a video asset, measured in kilobits per second (Kbps), indicates the amount of video data transferred over time. This bitrate impacts both the size and quality of the video; a lower bitrate results in lower video quality.

2. Duplicate Frames

Duplicate frames occur when the same still image is repeated within a video asset, causing noticeable stutters or hiccups.

3. Incorrect Duration

The duration of a video creative refers to the total playback time of the video file.

4. Low Audio Bitrate in Video

To address a low audio bitrate, ensure the audio within the video is uploaded in its highest possible quality. The minimum acceptable bitrate is 192 Kbps, with an audio sample rate of at least 48 kHz. This will achieve clear and high-quality audio that meets platform

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