
Creative Hub

All the Streaming terms you need to know

Connected TV

Made for TV

Create a video ad that you could imagine seeing on linear TV during a traditional commercial break.

Brand Continuity

Does the brand clearly come through in the messaging and does your website match the video ad?


Use a voiceover to take advantage of sight, sound, and motion.

Assume a Google Search

The majority of consumers will see your ad and Google whatever message was the most prominent. Users generally won’t follow vanity URLs or phone numbers unless incentivized to do so.

No Click

Remember that TVs are unclickable mediums, meaning you can’t influence consumer behavior through a click, as is possible in web video.

Title Card

Make use of a title card at the end of the video, ideally on screen for at least 00:03.

Watermark the Ad

Consider using a watermark to ensure consistent branding throughout the video ad.

Tailored for Audience

Does the creative message match the audience that is being targeted?


Ads that are exactly 00:15.000 or 00:30.000 will significantly outperform others.




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