EMG uploads hundreds of creatives every month to The Trade Desk for delivery across numerous platforms. While EMG accepts many creatives, SSPs and publishers uphold strict, nonnegotiable creative standards that will reject unsatisfactory creative. Whether the creative is rejected on one or many streaming platforms for one or many violations, advertisers should align with these standards to maximize inventory options and prevent under delivery.
All campaigns have the opportunity to run on 100+ streaming platforms, but many miss out on certain inventories due to creative asset rejections. To prevent Audio and CTV video creative rejections and maximize inventory, the following resource will summarize the common rejections EMG receives, including what each rejection is, why it was rejected, and how to adjust it.
What is an audio’s duration?
Why was the duration rejected?
How do I fix an incorrect duration?
What is a constant bitrate and a variable bitrate?
Why was the variable bitrate rejected?
How do I fix a variable bitrate?
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